Getting There, Getting Back

This presentation is geared toward companies where employees drive to and from work or where employees must utilize company vehicles for their daily duties. Accident Awareness accomplishes this by the use of qualified presenters that utilize powerful imagery with large visuals, and actual motor vehicles involved in fatal crashes. This is a one-hour presentation.

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Road Safety is for Everyone

Every company depends upon some sort of vehicular travel. Salesmen, company executives traveling from point A to point B and employees going to and from work each day, all drive cars or trucks or vans or motorcycles or bicycles. Some even walk to work.

Collisions don’t differentiate between the president of a company or a manager or a salesman. A collision is a collision.

Contact Accident Awareness

Reducing fatalities and personal injuries is everyone’s business. Motor vehicle crashes cross all lines in society, not just the centre line.

You can make a difference today, simply by using the contact link below to express interest. We will send you a package on our relevant and FREE programs.

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All our programs are entirely FREE GRATUITS thanks to our amazing partners!

Our company is Not for Profit and has one main objective: to reduce motor vehicle collisions.